Wednesday, November 7, 2007

We're Here

Our trip to the Fusion Beach was if anything interesting and made us long to be back in Hawaii. We had tons of fun being together and hanging out. We looked at the boats driving out and laughed at some of the names people named their boats going back home. We got to see where Ben works and he told us of the things that he does while offshore. After playing on the beach we noticed the sign saying not to swim in the ocean due to high bacteria being detected. So far we haven't sprouted extra eyes, arms, or any scales, but we will keep you posted though. We ate our P and J sandwiches and cheese sticks as we swatted away the misquotes from our legs. Needless to say we didn't stay very long. But we did get to reminisce in the memories of swimming clear blue oceans and BBQing on the North Shore with good friends. I know I know we are spoiled but I am so glad we had those experiences and look forward to many more new ones. (Anyone want to fly us back out to Hawaii?? Hello? Anyone??)

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